FataliiPhoto.net Fatalii.net FataliiGourmet.net InfernoChili.net FataliiSeeds.net
C. chinense 'Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw'

C. chinense 'Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw'

The most terrible chile pepper of all time! Hot as hell and still has a great aroma. The buildup of the heat is insanely slow.... You have been warned! Back in stock again for a LIMITED TIME! Act quickly and you'll be able to get yours: http://fataliiseeds.net/search?query=jigsaw Check out this amazing offer below for this month, you will get some great free extras with your order: https://www.facebook.com/fatalii.net/photos/a.1482873901939198.1073741828.1482853701941218/1761349180758334/?type=1&theater Many reasons to buy your seeds to start growing right away, or for the next season.

Uploaded on June 26th, 2015