![]() My dear fellow chilehead friend Chris (Christopher Phillips akaCMPMAN) has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It's is a very serious and aggressive type of cancer. If you have even few bucks / euros / anything to spare with this person who has a very good heart and is an important part of global chile pepper scene, please do so, he would definitely do same for another chilehead for sure. Anything helps. All these donations will go directly to him. Here's the link for donating and for more information: http://www.donationto.com/Christopher-Phillips-Leukemia-Fund Christopher is in Hospital right now and began receiving chemotherapy on 11/6/15. The situation requires urgent attention, as the bills are piling up as you read this. One bright spot is that there is an effective drug to combat the form of Leukemia that Chris has, called Gleevec or Imatinib. This can be included with the standard regimen of chemotherapy given to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia patients. I sincerely hope this post will reach people and their hearts to help Chris and his family in this urgent situation. I wish them all the best beating this thing!
Uploaded on November 11th, 2015 | ||