Sprinkler tankFertilizing, giving CO2, neem oil, pinetree soap, or just about anything else is very easy with the sprinklers.
Here are the steps.
1. The tank in "standby" -mode
2. Choice of the nutrient(s)
3. In this example I used CO2 tab
4. Both valves need to be turned off
5. Opening the cork
6. Drop in the CO2 tab (or add nutrients or both), the solution will be stirred when needed.
7. Closing the cork
8. Opening the valves
Then short wait is needed, for CO2 to get dissolved.
And then, sprinklers can bee turned on and all the plants in greenhouse / outdoors under the sprinklers can enjoy the nutrient/CO2 -boosted rain! :)
Uploaded on September 26th, 2013 | ||